Access a variety of goods from electronics to Oil&Gas. Trusted suppliers for your business and home
All Your Needs in One Place
Quality products from top global suppliers. Reliable, fast delivery
About Us
Our company offers a wide selection of products and services, allowing customers to order various items from the UAE, including electronics, cars, spare parts, furniture, building materials, and other goods and accessories. We aim to make shopping in the UAE accessible and convenient for all our customers.
Our advantages
Years of experience
Reliable supplies
A wide range of products
Professional team
Main business lines
  • Gas & Oil products
  • Jet fuel and diesel
  • Electronics
  • Commodities
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Trucks and cars
  • Chemical products
  • Spare parts
  • Agriculture
  • Building Materials
  • Furniture
  • Jewelry
  • Audio and Video equipment
AKSATRA General Trading in Numbers
  • 1985
    Company founded in Lithuania
  • since 2016
    working in UAE since